Duo Security Lab – Multi-factor Authentication for RDP

Summary of Steps:

  1. Follow the doc for RDP
  2. Install Duo for Windows
  3. Set up user
  4. Set up MFA device (your phone)

It’s actually fairly quick and painless to get set up with Duo MFA for Windows, with the exception that you have to manually add a user and enroll your phone. With SSH on Linux there was some editing of text files, compiling code and command-line stuff, but with Windows it’s lots of clicking of those old familiar friends, “Next”, “Ok”, and “Finish”. Here is my topology:

First, I log into my account dashboard at https://duo.com (for which I’m MFA prompted on my phone, of course) and go to “Applications”. I click “Protect an Application” and click “Microsoft RDP”. Reading the docs at https://duo.com/docs/rdp I download the Duo Windows installer and away I go:

You can find the API hostname, integration key, and secret key by clicking “Protect this Application” for MS-RDP:

Ready to install!

And…. it’s done.

Then we need to manually add a user, as I mentioned. From the Duo dashboard, just click “Add user”. For some reason when I created this VM some time ago I name the user “solarwinds”, I think I was doing some network testing. I regret nothing.

Add my phone:

Send the activation link to you phone, and you can activate Duo Push Mobile app if you have it.

Then log in! I use Remmina on Linux, but of course any RDP client will work.

I’m prompted by Duo and a code is sent to my phone:

And I’m logged in!

There is much rejoicing.

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